July 27
Hello to all my wonderful family,
Add Robbery to my list of missionary embarrassments,
So during this week we accidentally
helped out with a type of robbery. One of our investigators died and her
husband asked us for help with moving her stuff out of the house and into a
storage unit. But what we learned later, was
that really was her EX husband and we helped him move the things into his
storage unit. What we found out was that
the parents of the lady wanted their daughters stuff and that the ex was actually
stealing it. ARGG, We let everyone know and
tried to make things as “RIGHT” as we could.
My comps are great. We are meshing well and enjoying serving together.
I am trying to finish my home coming
talk but it is hard and I’m not sure what to put in it.
Time is short and I will see you soon,
As for food when I fly home, I really do not want to go to any
PLEASE just take me home!!
I can’t wait to see you either!!
Love you tons,
Elder Vance