Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week # 61 ~The week of many NO's!

October 20, 2014
Hello All,
To start with a quote from President Weston,
 "We arrive at the truth, not by the reason only, but also by the (heart)." (Blaise Pascal)

So we went to see the crazy man and since then he has called us 7 times in the last 2 days.  He says that the government is the devil and is tempting him.   He randomly talks to the ceiling to “someone” saying that he knows that he is listening.  He also thinks that all of his food is poisoned so he is starving himself currently.  Many other things that are not worth mentioning.  We have decided to never go over there every again. 

So far it has been full of NO's and doors closing.   We are trying to weed out the weeds from the flowers.   With all of the investigators and less active people that are in our area.  The entire week was just like the other days.  Day after day, knocking on doors and getting no's from everyone.  It is really slow now in this area.

 Last p-day went to the mall and to some thrift shops to check them out.   The mall here in Omaha is giant!!  It has two stories and tons of shops

So they have not opened up the "new" area again yet that I was opening previously.  We need two sets of missionaries to be able to open a new area.  So I am Actually helping open another area, the one next to my old one.   My comp is elder Sorenson, he is super.

To open a new area, it means that we are the first elders to come there in a long time and doing the things that the sister missionaries can’t do and also helping them out.   The sisters are helping us out also.  The members in the ward are really glad to have elders in the ward again.

I am staying positive, with all the NO’s and excitedly heading out for a new week of trying!

Love you tons,

Elder Vance